
Showing posts from June, 2023

Dont judge the book by its cover

A 24 year old boy seeing out from the  train’s window shouted… “Dad, look the trees are going behind!” Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year old’s childish behavior with pity, suddenly he again exclaimed… “Dad, look the clouds are running with us!” The couple couldn’t resist and said to the old man… “Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?” The old man smiled and said…“I did and we are just coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.” Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.

Nail on the Fence

In a small village, there lived  a father and his young son. The son had a tendency to get angry quickly and often lost control of his emotions. The father was concerned about his son's temper and wanted to teach him an important lesson about anger management. One day, the father handed his son a bag of nails and a hammer. He took him to the backyard where there was a wooden fence surrounding their house. The father instructed his son, "Every time you get angry, I want you to hammer a nail into the fence." Confused but willing to learn, the son agreed and started driving the first nail into the fence. With each instance of anger, he would hammer a new nail into the wood. As days went by, the fence became filled with nails. As the son observed the fence covered in nails, he realized how much anger he had expressed. He felt remorseful for his actions and decided to change his behavior. Gradually, he learned to control his anger and respond to situations more calmly.

Leader's ability to recognize and honor the value of every individual

As the newly elected President, Dr. Abdul Kalam had the privilege of inviting esteemed guests to accompany him at the event held at Kerala Raj Bhavan in Trivandrum. However, rather than selecting influential figures or prominent individuals, he made a surprising and inspiring choice. To the astonishment of many, Dr. Kalam extended invitations to a roadside cobbler and the owner of a humble small hotel. News of this unexpected gesture quickly spread, piquing curiosity and leaving people wondering about the President's intentions. On the day of the event, as the guests arrived, the cobbler and the hotel owner entered the grand hall, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and humility.They were seated alongside dignitaries, officials, and high-ranking individuals from various walks of life. During the event, as speeches were given and accolades were exchanged, Dr. Kalam took a moment to address the audience. His words resonated deeply with everyone present, conveying a powerful m

Life is like a cup of coffee

Life is like a cup of coffee - rich, complex, and filled with moments of warmth and awakening. Just like coffee, life presents us with different flavors and aromas, some bitter and challenging, others sweet and delightful. How we choose to savor and navigate through this metaphorical cup of life is up to us. At times, life may present us with bitter moments, just like the first sip of black coffee. These moments could be hardships, setbacks, or disappointments that leave a bitter taste in our mouths. But just as coffee can be complemented with sugar or cream, we have the power to sweeten those bitter experiences by finding lessons, resilience, and growth within them. Similarly, life offers us moments of sweetness, like that comforting sip of a well-prepared cappuccino. These moments could be filled with love, joy, success, and the fulfillment of our dreams. They remind us of the beauty and richness life has to offer. It is important to fully embrace and appreciate these moments, sa

True leadership is not just about achieving results; it's about making a positive difference in the lives of those you lead.

When his team worker could not take his kids to an exhibition because of hectic work, he did! During a hectic project, one of the 70 scientists working on it asked Dr Kalam if he could leave at 5.30 pm that evening as he had promised to take his kids to an exhibition. Dr. Kalam gave him permission. However, the scientist got busy with work only to realize  that it was 8.30 pm. When he looked for his boss, he wasn’t there. Guilty for having disappointed his kids, he went back home only to find that his kids weren’t there. When he asked his wife where they were, she replied, “You don’t know? Your manager came here at 5.15 pm and took the children to the exhibition.” The scientist stood frozen, his heart filled with a mix of gratitude and astonishment. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. His manager, Dr. Kalam, had not only allowed him to leave work early but had also taken the initiative to ensure that his children wouldn't miss out on the exhibition. Overwhelmed with

Manage your stress

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a young woman named Maya. Maya had a demanding job, long working hours, and a never-ending to-do list. As her responsibilities piled up, she often found herself overwhelmed and stressed. One day, while scrolling through an online forum, Maya came across a story that caught her attention. It was about a wise old gardener who knew the secret to managing stress. Intrigued, Maya decided to visit the gardener in the hopes of finding some guidance. Upon reaching the tranquil garden where the gardener resided, Maya noticed the serene surroundings and the beautiful array of flowers and plants. The gardener, an elderly man with a peaceful smile, welcomed her and invited her to sit amidst the greenery. Maya poured out her worries and anxieties to the gardener, expressing her struggles in managing stress. The gardener listened attentively and nodded knowingly. Then, he began to share his wisdom. He explained to Maya that stress was like th

"Embracing the Waves of Positivity: The Fisherman's Lesson"

  In a small coastal town, there lived a young fisherman named Liam. Liam was known for his exceptional fishing skills and his kind-hearted nature. Every day, he would set sail in his small boat, casting his nets into the deep sea, hoping for a bountiful catch. One sunny morning, as Liam prepared to head out to sea, he noticed a group of children playing by the shore. They seemed sad and disappointed. Liam approached them and asked what was wrong. The children explained that they had been trying to catch fish all morning but had no luck. With a warm smile, Liam offered to teach them how to fish. He explained the importance of patience, perseverance, and having a positive mindset. Liam believed that the sea had plenty to offer if one approached it with respect and optimism. Together, they set out in Liam's boat. He showed them how to cast their lines, how to feel the rhythm of the waves, and how to listen to the gentle whispers of the ocean. The children were filled with excit

The Lost Key

  Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a kind-hearted elderly woman named Martha. Martha was known for her positive outlook on life and her ability to find joy in the simplest of things. One day, while taking her usual morning walk, she came across a young boy who seemed distressed. Curious, Martha approached the boy and asked what was troubling him. The boy replied, "I lost the key to my house, and I can't get inside. I don't know what to do!" Martha smiled warmly and offered to help him search for the lost key. Together, they combed through the grass, checked around the bushes, and even looked near the nearby trees. Despite their efforts, they couldn't find the key anywhere. Sensing the boy's disappointment, Martha sat down next to him and said, "Sometimes in life, we lose things that are important to us. But it's how we respond to these situations that truly matters." She continued, "Instead of dwelling on what we hav

The Power of a Positive Mindset:

  In a small village, there was a young boy named Jack who had a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. He was full of ideas and enthusiasm, but he often found himself facing self-doubt and negative thoughts. Whenever he encountered a setback or criticism, he would become discouraged and question his abilities. One day, Jack met an old wise man who noticed his struggles. The wise man shared a story that would change Jack's perspective forever. "There once was a village plagued by a severe drought," the wise man began. "The fields were dry, and the villagers were losing hope. But amidst the despair, there was a farmer who remained positive." "While other farmers complained about the lack of rain, this farmer focused on finding solutions. He dug deep wells, explored new irrigation methods, and planted drought-resistant crops. He believed that with determination and a positive mindset, he could overcome the drought." "Months passed, and

The Wise Old Sage:

In a distant village, there lived a wise old sage known for his profound wisdom and insightful teachings. People from far and wide would seek his guidance and enlightenment. One day, a young traveler approached the sage with a heavy heart. He had been facing numerous challenges and setbacks in his journey towards achieving his goals. Feeling discouraged, he asked the sage, "How can I find the strength to persevere when the road seems so difficult?" The sage listened attentively and smiled knowingly. He beckoned the young traveler to follow him into the nearby forest. As they walked, they came across a mighty oak tree standing tall and strong. The sage said, "Observe this tree closely and tell me what you see." The young traveler looked at the tree and responded, "I see a magnificent tree with branches stretching towards the sky." The sage nodded and then pointed to a small, delicate seedling at the foot of the oak tree. He said, "Now, look at

The Golden Buddha

In a small village, there was a magnificent monastery that housed a priceless golden Buddha statue. One night, the villagers received news of an impending attack by a neighboring army. Fearing that the precious statue would be stolen or destroyed, they devised a plan to protect it. The monks covered the entire statue with a thick layer of clay, disguising its true value. When the invaders arrived, they searched the monastery but paid no attention to the clay-covered statue, assuming it had no worth. Years passed, and the villagers gradually forgot about the golden Buddha. It became just another clay-covered statue in their eyes. Decades later, as the village underwent renovations, a young monk accidentally chipped off a piece of the clay, revealing a glimmer of gold beneath. Word quickly spread, and the villagers marveled at the astonishing discovery. The layers of clay were carefully removed, uncovering the resplendent golden Buddha that had been hidden for so long. This story