Lessons from a Fence: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. He was known for his innovative ideas and leadership in the technology industry.

When Jobs was a young boy, his father taught him how to build a fence. His father emphasized the importance of making the back of the fence as beautiful as the front. Jobs did not understand this at the time and asked his father why it mattered if the back of the fence was beautiful when nobody would see it.

His father replied, "But you will know. And that will make all the difference."

Years later, when Jobs was working on the design of the first Macintosh computer, he remembered his father's lesson. He insisted that the inside of the computer should be as beautiful and well-designed as the outside, even though nobody would see it.

This attention to detail and commitment to excellence became one of the hallmarks of Apple's products.

The story illustrates how Jobs' childhood lessons influenced his leadership style and the culture of Apple. It also highlights the importance of doing things well, even if nobody else will see or appreciate it.



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