The Power of Wisdom and Compassion: A Story from Lord Buddha's Life


Once, Lord Buddha was traveling through a village when a man approached him and started insulting him with harsh words. The man hurled abuse at Lord Buddha, calling him a fake, a fraud and a charlatan.

Lord Buddha remained calm and composed, and did not react to the man's insults. Instead, he listened patiently until the man had finished speaking. When the man had exhausted his anger, Lord Buddha calmly asked him a question, "If you offer someone a gift, and they refuse to accept it, to whom does the gift belong?"

The man was taken aback by the Buddha's question and replied, "It would belong to me, as I am the one offering the gift."

Lord Buddha smiled and said, "The same is true of your insults. If I do not accept them, they remain with you."

The man was struck by the Buddha's wisdom and realized the futility of his anger and insults. He became a follower of Lord Buddha and dedicated the rest of his life to spreading his teachings.

This story teaches us the importance of remaining calm and composed in the face of adversity, and the transformative power of wisdom and compassion. Lord Buddha's teachings offer a path to inner peace and liberation from suffering, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.


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