Art of Teaching


Once, a renowned monk lived in a beautiful monastery with many of his pupils. His teachings were very effective, and many of his students became great masters themselves.

One day, one of them was caught stealing from his fellow students, and they reported him to the monk. But he took no action against the boy.

A few days later, the same boy was again caught stealing. And again, the head monk did nothing to punish him.

This angered the other students, who drew up a petition asking for the dismissal of the thief. They threatened to leave en masse if the boy was allowed to stay in the monastery.

The teacher called a meeting of the students. When they assembled, he said to them: “You are good boys who know what is right and wrong. If you leave, you will have no trouble joining some other school. But what about your brother, who does not even know the difference between right and wrong? Who will teach him if I don’t? No, I cannot ask him to go, even if it means losing all of you.”

Tears poured down the cheeks of the boy who had stolen. But, he never stole again and, in later life, became renowned for his integrity.

A good teacher is like a lamp in darkness will never leave you and always guide you in correct path.


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