The Proud Bird's Lesson: A Story of Humility and Listening to Advice


Once upon a time, there was a small bird who lived in a beautiful forest. The bird loved to sing and fly from tree to tree, and he was admired by all the other animals in the forest.

One day, a hunter came to the forest. He was looking for birds to catch and sell in the market. He set up a trap and waited for the birds to come.

The small bird saw the trap and warned all the other birds in the forest. But one bird didn't listen. It was a proud bird who thought it was smarter than the others.

The proud bird saw a juicy worm in the trap and went inside to eat it. But as soon as it touched the worm, the trap snapped shut.

The proud bird tried to escape, but it was trapped. It realized too late that it had made a mistake by not listening to the warning of the small bird.

The small bird felt sorry for the proud bird and decided to help it. He flew to the hunter's house and pecked on the window until the hunter came outside.

The small bird led the hunter to the trap and then flew away. The hunter was surprised to see the small bird helping one of its own kind. He decided to release the proud bird and leave the forest.

From that day on, the proud bird learned a valuable lesson. It realized that pride and arrogance can lead to mistakes and danger. And it also learned to listen to the advice of others, even if they are smaller and less powerful.

The proud bird thanked the small bird for saving its life and became friends with all the birds in the forest. And the small bird continued to sing and fly, admired by all for its wisdom and kindness.


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