“The Wisdom of the Sage-This Too Shall Pass”


Once upon a time, there was a man who had a big problem. He was always worried and stressed about everything in his life, from work to family to finances. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to shake his anxiety and find peace of mind.

One day, the man decided to go to a wise old sage and seek his advice. The sage listened patiently as the man poured out all of his worries and fears.

When the man was finished, the sage took out a small box and held it out to him. "Take this box," he said. "Inside you will find a piece of paper. On the paper is the secret to a worry-free life."

The man eagerly took the box and opened it. Inside was a single piece of paper, with just three words written on it: "This too shall pass."

The man didn't understand what this meant, so he went back to the sage and asked for an explanation. The sage said, "No matter what happens in your life, good or bad, remember that it is temporary. This too shall pass. Don't hold onto your worries and fears, because they will pass. Focus on the present moment and find joy in it, because that is all we truly have."

From that day on, the man carried the box with him everywhere he went. Whenever he felt stressed or anxious, he would open the box and read the words on the paper. Slowly but surely, he began to feel more at peace with himself and his life.

This story teaches us the importance of living in the present moment and not getting caught up in our worries and fears. When we remember that everything in life is temporary, both the good and the bad, we can learn to let go and find peace within ourselves.


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